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Puppies for Parole in Missouri USA

Puppies for Parole is a US prison dog program started in 2010.They have rehabilitated over 2000 dogs since .  The correctional centers of the Missouri Department of Corrections partner with local shelters and rescue groups to increase their dog adoptions.
"Our Mission is to provide a safe, stable environment for dogs who have been abused or abandoned for the purpose of creating adoptable animals suitable for a variety of community purposes, while creating an atmosphere for offenders to engage in positive behaviors outside themselves.”
The offenders (prisoners) apply to become dog handlers.  They are screened and interviewed based on the type of crime committed, their ability to work with others already in the program, and must be free of conduct violations for one year.
The dogs live with two offenders in a cell around the clock until they are adopted to their fur-ever family.  All food, toys, collars, and anything else needed for the dogs is provided by the shelter/rescue as no taxpayer dollars can be used for the care of the dogs.  Even the dog trainers who work with the dog handlers volunteer their time.
Dani Rouse Holland, our Accredited PURE Dog Listener in the US, volunteers her time at Western Missouri Correctional Center (WMCC) in Cameron, MO.  She helped implement their program in 2010.  She developed the PDL Well-Mannered Dog Evaluation for the offenders and their dogs so they can earn certificates for learning and demonstrating the tenets of PDL.
Over 200 dogs have been adopted from the WMCC program and over 2,000 dogs have been adopted state-wide as of November, 2013.
Since taxpayer dollars are not used for dogs or their needs, contributions and supplies can be donated via the following:
Monetary Donations:  http://doc.mo.gov/DAI/P4P_Donations.php
Cameron Animal Shelter
531 Elm
Cameron, MO  64429

NOTE:  Donations will be applied to all programs in the state of Missouri.  Supplies will used for all animals at the Cameron Animal Shelter including their dogs in Puppies for Parole at WMCC.

DECEMBER 9TH, 2013 @ 21:41:04 UTC


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