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Puppy and Young Dogs Training

Educating & Training Puppies

How lovely it is to have a new puppy, our expectations are high.
Above all enjoy, but do look at the below before you move forward. Getting new puppy or dog one of the biggest decision in your life, you have to be the right person for your puppy.

"Parenting Your New Puppy" By Lesley Harris and Caroline Spencer is available on Amazon as paperback and e-book  BUY HERE 


Here are some do's and don't to help you with your new arrival.

Dog Don'ts

  • Get all your friends and neighbours round to cuddle and meet him, he needs to settle in and be comfortable in his new surroundings and family.
  • Don’t take him out for a walk in the big wide world immediately he has had his injections and let him run free, he’ll get it all wrong, as a Toddler would if you didn't hold its hand.
  • Don’t tell him off if he has an accident in the house, show him and treat him when he does it right in the garden.
  • Don’t encourage rough games, he’ll get it wrong, as he gets bigger it will get out of hand and accidents will happen
  • Don’t tell him how to behave, show him, get him thinking
Sit, Stay and Heel are the icing on the cake!! It's how your puppy responds to you in daily life that is important, Does he jump up? Does he bite you? Does he hang on your clothes? Does he follow you constantly and seem unable to rest?… Show him how to respect you, the only way to do this is by using his own language, the only one he understands. I do one to one consultations in the privacy and comfort of your own home.

Dog Do's

  • Buy a puppy from a reputable source.
  • Read Our Book to advise you what to look for and questions to ask.
  • Prepare all you need for your puppy before it arrives, bowls, bed etc.
  • When your puppy arrives home for the first time,take it out so it can relieve its self.
  • Give it a meal, stay with but let it investigate its new surroundings, a small area to begin with,e.g. the kitchen.
  • Be there with it, but put no pressure on by over cuddling and play.
  • Give it space and love in equal portions. Show your puppy right from the start it is safe with you...
  • Use Natural Canine language from the very beginning to give your puppy confidence in your parenting abilities to keep them safe in our confusing world.

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